Day 3 #Keto Challenge #vegan edition I have this fat bomb as my second daily cof…

Day 3 #Keto Challenge #vegan edition I have this fat bomb as my second daily coffee it breaks fast in terms of calories but keeps insulin low = staying in fat burning zone plus it is so filling I can go another 3-4 hours until my meal aka #OMAD. I think Im getting it right let me know if I make a mistake .. .. Im gonna start counting calories from now on coz I literally have no idea how much I eat (remember Im a high carb low fat eater so this is another planet for me ) .. .. .. #veganketodiet #veganketo #plantbased #plantbasedketo #intermittentfasting #fasting #fastingisthefuture #newmibo #bulletproofcoffee #highfat #highfatlowcarb #coffee #countingcalories #dairyfree #london #veganuk

Source by jhaitz0307



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