PREGNANCY TESTS Pregnancy tests can be carried out on a sample of urine from th…

PREGNANCY TESTS Pregnancy tests can be carried out on a sample of urine from the first day of a missed period which means that if you are pregnant you are about two weeks after conception. Some very sensitive tests can be used even before you miss a period. You can collect urine at any time of the day. Use a clean soap-free well-rinsed container to collect it. You can get pregnancy tests free of charge from your GP or family planning clinic. Pregnancy tests are also available at NHS walk-in centres. The signs of pregnancy Many pharmacists and most pregnancy advisory services also offer tests usually for a small fee. You can buy do-it-yourself pregnancy testing kits from pharmacists. They can give you a quick result and you can do the test in private. There are a range of tests that are available. How they work varies so check the instructions. Results of the test A positive test result is almost certainly correct. A negative result is less reliable. If you still think you are pregnant wait a week and try again or go and see a midwife or GP. Refer to the prototype article here : PREGNANCY TESTS

Source by sarabiarose



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