MACROS CHEAT SHEET FOR BULKING AND CUTTING by Jason Maxwell – Now is your last c…

MACROS CHEAT SHEET FOR BULKING AND CUTTING by Jason Maxwell – Now is your last chance to grab your free copy of the book “Bulk Up Fast”. Visit the link in my bio to claim your free copy. – You want to bulk or you want to cut? Here are the macros you need to be eating. – The truth is the process is very similar. Get a minimum protein of 0.82/lb so if you’re 200lbs that’s 164g of protein per day. It doesn’t matter if you’re bulking or cutting you will still have a minimum protein requirement. – In fact the only thing that changes is HOW MUCH food you eat. Want to bulk? Eat more. What to cut? Eat less. The formula is simple. – As long as you get your minimum protein and are within 5% of your required Calories by the end of the day you can eat as many (or as little) carbs and fats as you want. Want to do Keto? Go ahead. High carb? Sure be my guest. – Use this cheat sheet and you’ll get jacked. Never tell me the odds. – If someone you know could benefit from this then send them here. – #bulking #cutting #bulkingseason #bulkseason #bulkingup #bulkup #bulklife #cuttingseason #gainmuscle #buildmuscle #musclegain #aesthetictumblr #aestheticshot #aestheticarmy #aestheticaf #strongaf #pumpingiron #doyouevenlift #meatheadproblems #truenutrition #jmaxfitness #instabodybuilding #quadzilla #bodybuildingnation #meathead #elitefts #doyouevenliftbro See more at

Source by MrsWindle2013



21-Day Flat Belly Meal Plan – Like all our weight loss menus, this flat belly me…